November 11, 2021
TEDxEast brings the spirit of the TED conference to New York City- hosting some of the world's most fascinating thinkers, doers and teachers to inspire attendees to create greater impact with their ideas. And true to the format of the TED conference, TEDxEast presenters will give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes or less.
True to the spirit of TED and ideas worth spreading- we are excited to examine ways in which knowledge and experience are connected. This event is being curated around the connections between and within disciplines. Through this examination themes of serendipity, redemption, beauty, intentionality, love and forgiveness have begun to emerge.
Think of TEDxEast as a retreat with 300 of your smartest and most curious friends. This is a time to explore new ideas, get inspired by visionary thinkers, and gain exposure to concepts you may not have ever seen before. TEDxEast is also a time to check-out from the day-to-day routine, and enter an afternoon of intellectual adventure. The presenter line-up will inspire attendees with captivating talks, stirring musical performances, and great dialogue surrounding ideas.
Upcoming event: